Course curriculum

    1. The Basics of Videography

    2. Basics Review

    1. Equipment Recommendations

    2. Equipment Review

    1. Lighting Tips

    2. Lighting Review

    3. Completion Certificate

About this course

  • Free


Taji Saleem

SECC Assistant Youth Director of Media Ministries

Taji began his ministry journey in our conference as a summer camp staff member in 2018. Originally from Apple Valley and a member of Victorville SDA Church, his worldview was shaped growing up Adventist and learning that there was more to discover. As a kid, inspired by movies such as Nemo and The Lion King, he was interested in making movies himself, allowing him to view the world from a unique and creative perspective. Traveling with the University Choir and Orchestra and leading worship while a student at California Baptist University while pursing a Bachelors in Film Studies and Graphic Design and Digital Media is what helped make his faith more real to him. When not devising a plan to make the next million-dollar blockbuster, he enjoys relaxing, and finding the perfect YouTube video to watch while enjoying a snack.

Get your cameras ready